Since 2017, we collaborated with a research institution that plays a role in carrying out marine fisheries research in the fields of biology, population dynamics and genetics, assessment of fish resource stocks, fisheries oceanography, capture fisheries dynamics, fishing gear, fishing aids, and fishing methods, as well as the implementation of exploration and evaluation of fish resources in Indonesia. One of the programs carried out to support the research process is the collection of fish landing data by data collectors or enumerators spread throughout Indonesia.
To support the data collection process, the institution, in collaboration with us as experts/consultants and with supporting organizations, built a landing-based data collection system with system support features and efforts to increase the effectiveness of the data collection process, as well as an active role in supporting the validity, accuracy, and completeness of the process. The entire system includes data collection media, databases, and technology to produce comprehensive reporting in the form of data visualization and technical reports.
To date, the development and management of the system is entering its fifth year. The development process includes standardization of data and forms/web applications as data collection media, development of the system website and its database, capacity building of enumerators, and management of collaboration with partner organizations that contribute to data collection on thematic issues.